Inspire Group Blog - Learning Design

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A Short List of Great Organisational Learning Culture Resources

Recently, we published a complete guide to learning culture and, while our guide is super in-depth,...

Why is organisational learning maturity important?

To begin thinking about learning maturity, we might start with how these two concepts are...

Navigating the Authoring tool galaxy

“I don’t know what I’m looking for… I think it might be because if I knew I wouldn’t be able to...

Change Management: 3 Rules for Business Leaders

Think back to when you were little. Now try to imagine your whānau unexpectedly moving house,...

10 Tips for Building More Accessible eLearning

People with impairments or disabilities often battle barriers to many aspects of life, including...

Mastering BANI: Learning design in an uncertain world

Acronyms are as popular in New Zealand as the good old cheese scone or cheese roll, depending on...

How to Embrace Failure in Learning

“To Fail is Human” ...okay, it's not quite Alexander Pope but you get the idea. Failure!

15 Tips to Get Your Team Hungry For Learning

Ever had to sit through bad learning trying your hardest to seem interested? Or perhaps you’ve...

7 tips to get the best out of your eLearning company

You're an L&D professional and your organisation has identified the need for an eLearning solution....

The importance of visual design in learning design

They say a picture is worth a 1000 words. If this is true, just imagine the impact of visual design...

Getting the most out of your SMEs

Subject matter experts or SMEs... You may be the learning expert, but SMEs are the experts in their...

8 tips for using personas in your learning design 

Learning design is about more than just the content. It has to speak to the learner on a personal...

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