Inspire Group Blog - Learning Strategy

Read our point of view on learning and development trends.

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Leadership Skills in 2024: Here's what you need to know

Leadership skills are more important than ever. With new ways of working changing how we manage...

The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Thriving Learning Culture in 2023

In this in-depth guide, we’ll cover all you need to know about creating and fostering a healthy...

Navigating the Winds of Organisational Change: Strategies for Success

Change is inevitable in today's fast-paced and ever-evolving business world. Whether it's a merger,...

Why is organisational learning maturity important?

To begin thinking about learning maturity, we might start with how these two concepts are...

Change Management: 3 Rules for Business Leaders

Think back to when you were little. Now try to imagine your whānau unexpectedly moving house,...

Mastering BANI: Learning design in an uncertain world

Acronyms are as popular in New Zealand as the good old cheese scone or cheese roll, depending on...

5 Slip-Ups Managers Make when Building an L&D Strategy

With the change-over from one calendar year to the next, comes a fresh perspective and plenty of...

5 Actionable Ways to create a culture of learning in your organisation

You see a bunch of memes being shared everywhere on a specific topic. You feel a bit lost as you...

How to Embrace Failure in Learning

“To Fail is Human” ...okay, it's not quite Alexander Pope but you get the idea. Failure!

15 Tips to Get Your Team Hungry For Learning

Ever had to sit through bad learning trying your hardest to seem interested? Or perhaps you’ve...

Getting the most out of your SMEs

Subject matter experts or SMEs... You may be the learning expert, but SMEs are the experts in their...

10 ways to be a better learning consultant

Ever wish that you could just get some clear and easy steps on how to take your consulting to the...

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