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Dan Tohill

Leadership and wellbeing, the most important things in the world?

Leadership and wellbeing,
the most important things in the world?

That’s a bold statement.

It is. But, think about it for a moment.

Because, whether we like it or not, one of the biggest impacts on our health, happiness and wellbeing is where many of us will spend around 10,000 days of our lives: at work.  

And what has the biggest influence on that experience?

The leadership we experience and practise.

Still not convinced? 

Well, think for a moment about the worst job and the worst leader you’ve experienced. And your life at that time; how you felt, and how it impacted the people and parts of your life well away from work.

Yes, the impact and reach of leadership is huge, as James McCulloch explains below:

So, what can we do about it?

Firstly, of course, we need to focus on developing and nurturing great leaders in our organisations. Let's connect. We’ll be delighted to arrange a free Inspiring to lead workshop sample experience!

But what about wellbeing?

It’s a great question, as developing leadership capability is important. But it’s only half the story…as James shows you in the video below:
James shares some insightful facts about wellbeing in the workplace.

That’s a lot to consider!

It is!

So, let’s end with some 
Inspire-ation! We developed a great and multi-award-winning project for Seek to help their teams have better conversations about mental health and wellbeing.

The result was a fully responsive HTML5 module with animated SVGs, an interactive IAT test and a multitude of learning interactions that work across all devices. Check out the case study here.

Built in our own authoring tool Chameleon Creator, we really love this solution and the impact it is making for the Seek employees.


Need help developing your leaders?

Our Inspiring to lead programmes can be delivered virtually, face to face or as a blend of the two.
Programmes include:
  • Mindset to lead
  • Communicating to lead
  • Coaching to lead
  • Changing to lead
  • Being an inclusive leader
  • Mentoring to lead
  • Emerging to lead

See more about our programmes

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