The Malaysian Insurance Institute

The Malaysian Insurance Institute, a non-profit organisation founded in 1968, is the leading professional body and education institution for the Malaysian insurance industry. 


The pandemic and a need for change prompted MII to embark on a 5-year organisational transformation. The change started in 2020 and with 2021 being the start of being strategic with the changes led by the leaders at MII. This would be the first time all the leaders are involved in the strategic transformation in the organization.


Inspire Group designed and developed a series of short, engaging, facilitated workshops to help leaders strategically plan and execute the changes that were essential for the future of MII. The group met on a monthly basis for 5 months to get leaders to focus on the key areas of change for the year, breaking down the plans into manageable chunks of tasks and supporting their people in the organisation.


Each month the group of leaders, and soon-to-be leaders, met in a virtual session, facilitated by Inspire Group Asia’s associate.​

We used Zoom as the platform as the various workshops included different-sized group discussions.​

Google slide became the tool for the groups to jot down their discussion notes and to present back to the main group.​


The leaders feel empowered by being part of the transformation planning for the organisation. They also find themselves working across functions as the workshop’s project groups were made up in such a way that they have to work with different people across the organisation. Potential leaders were given the chance to be project managers which further helped them gain confidence and leadership skills. 

The interactions between leaders became more open and gave them a better perspective of how different functions work at MII.

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