


Download and Start Using
Our Free Templates For:

  • A questionnaire to kickstart your Change Readiness Assessment and help determine if this is the right time for change

  • A toolkit to help to speak to the Heart's & Minds of your kaimahi and keep them motivated and engaged through the process

  • A reflection tool to help you plan the best way to bring your leaders - and their people - on the journey with you

  • A framework to help you determine when to engage the 'select few' and the 'diverse many' to ensure your change project maintains maximum input and efficiency

Change is constant... so where should you start?

Let's face it: change can be daunting. Staring at a blank, white screen can be incredibly debilitating, especially when you’re starting out on your change journey.

To get you past the oh-so-common writer's block, we’ve put together 4 essential readiness templates every change leader needs.  

Just fill out the form to grab your templates!